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Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42
  • Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

  • Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

  • Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42

Product Name Smith Troutincast Tactist TT-42
Control Number 4511474320281
Suggested Retail Price ¥55,000
BACKLASH Price ¥46,800
Reward points 936P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Tactist TT-42
ROD No.: TT-42
Length: 4.2ft
Weight: 77g
Lure: ~8g
Line: ~6lb.
Power: Light
■grip length:251mm
■pack length:66.5cm(2pcs)
■blank material:24t+30tGraphite
■tip dia:1.3mm
Birth of a fast action trout bait rod with a pleasant trajectory, manipulating the lure at will, and capturing bites with a sensitive sense of touch!
[Target field: Yabusawa, Bosa-no-Karu mountain stream, headwaters]

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