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Product Details

Owner MH-11 Split Shotter
Owner MH-11 Split Shotter
Owner MH-11 Split Shotter

Owner MH-11 Split Shotter


Control Number:4953873110702

BACKLASH Price : ¥300

Reward points:6P

Quantity :

About this item

MH-11 Split Shotter
Product number: 11652 I may meet you.
I'm reluctant to eat. If you don't let it drift, you can't feed it...
Read the tide, read the twist, explore the range, and manipulate the weak tension.
So to speak, 3D fishing that manipulates the flow of the tide is a "split shot in the world of rockfish".
A delicate operation as if pouring it into the mouth of rockfish.
Listen to the motare with the tip of the rod and wake up to the sweep.
"SPE" made it possible.
It's not just a hook with a hook, it's a "dedicated". As the name suggests, split shotter.