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Product Details

Naburaya CHIP 0.8g
Naburaya CHIP 0.8g
Naburaya CHIP 0.8g

Naburaya CHIP 0.8g


Control Number:4573119919311

Suggested Retail Price : ¥500

BACKLASH Price : ¥450

Reward points:9P

Quantity :

About this item


◆Weight: 0.8g
◆Size: 18.1 mm
◆Needle: VANHOOK SP-31#10
Developed to capture It breaks through difficult situations with an exquisite sense of size and a flight distance that you can't imagine with a lightweight lure.
The unevenness of retrieve is covered with stable movement, and the lure continues to move even at points where there is a current, attracting fish.
For those who want to fish to the limit with a spoon.