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Product Details

Varibas Barmax Ishidai PE Max Power No. 20
Varibas Barmax Ishidai PE Max Power No. 20

Varibas Barmax Ishidai PE Max Power No. 20


Control Number:4513498076014

Suggested Retail Price : ¥5,500

BACKLASH Price : ¥4,043

Reward points:80P

Quantity :

About this item

Vermax Ishidai PE Max Power
◆Total length: 100m
◆Color: Gray-based marking line< hr />★The best PE line for targeting stone sea bream and large bottom fish.
The combination of MAX POWER yarn and reliable 8-strand twist provides overwhelming strength.
Furthermore, by applying an environmentally friendly non-fluorine coating (SP-V), water absorption and deterioration are suppressed, and wear resistance and flight distance are improved.
This is a special line that can be used for a wide range of purposes, including for big boat fishing, with one rank up in strength and durability compared to conventional PE lines.