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Product Details

YGK X-Blade Red Ocean V6 Ship Harris 100m No.5
YGK X-Blade Red Ocean V6 Ship Harris 100m No.5

YGK X-Blade Red Ocean V6 Ship Harris 100m No.5

Out of stock


Control Number:4582550714133

BACKLASH Price : ¥978

Reward points:19P

Sold out

About this item

X-Blade Red Ocean V6 Ship Harris
■Standard: 100m
■Number: 5
★Not only does it have the strength and sensitivity required for fluorocarbon Harris, but it also uses our unique Dy processing technology to add "flexibility", which is an absolute requirement for making the target use its mouth. We have thoroughly pursued the ``comfort to use'' that embodies the angler's strategy and enables aggressive fishing in the harsh sea conditions.
Harris is the ultimate multi-purpose fluorocarbon boat with a lineup of sizes 1.5 to 20 that can accommodate various fish species and fishing methods, and
has achieved impressive cost performance.