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Product Details

COREMAN IP-10 Sekoize
COREMAN IP-10 Sekoize
COREMAN IP-10 Sekoize
COREMAN IP-10 Sekoize

COREMAN IP-10 Sekoize


Control Number:4573504492795

BACKLASH Price : ¥1,400

Reward points:28P

Quantity :

About this item

IP-10 Sekoize
■Size: 40mm
■Weight: 10g
■Snap: Coreman Snap #00
■Ring: Coreman Original #1
■Hook: Gamakatsu Treble 13#12
★Metal Vibe exclusively for the original Seabass, designed with a cut iron plate tail!
Short body version!
With this tuning, we have achieved the series' highest action speed startup, strongest wave motion, and strongest flashing.
My favorite stages are the surface layer (HIGH) and the bottom layer (LOW).
Summer (high water temperature period) and winter (low water temperature period) are particularly successful.